Hello! Loving the cross-project references, really helping us clean up and centralize!
One thing I’ve found that I expect will eventually bite us is that updating a secret’s name does not update the references to it. IE if we have a common project and a API_KEY secret which we reference in another project as ${common.prd.API_KEY} - we may later decide to make the secret name INTERNAL_API_KEY. If we do that, our references continue to point to API_KEY, and we get the literal string value ${common.prd.API_KEY} when pulling from the CLI.
This is pretty much expected (and why I tested it!), as there’s nothing in the docs or the UI to indicate otherwise. That said, it would be great if this feature could be added. We have a huge multitude of projects in Doppler and having to go update those references in such cases would be time consuming and potentially painful if not caught before a deployment.
We’ve been updating all references by hand so far, thanks to the External References table below the secrets! But we’d love to avoid that and this feature would save us a lot of time/struggle!
@Grraahaam This is a definite pain point we want to resolve (it bites us too internally occasionally as well!). Unfortunately, no firm timeline as of yet.
I submitted a piece of feedback about this, but might as well add my opinion here too. I think it would be great if, at the very least, the public API exposed the list of external secret references that are available in the dashboard (ie. https://dashboard.doppler.com/workplace/:workplace/projects/:project/configs/:config).
I’m building a little CLI tool to migrate the name of a few projects and I’ve had to resort to authenticating with my dashboard cookie in order to access those APIs.
Hey folks, we released a new feature today, Config Inheritance that should help to solve this problem.
Instead of writing a reference to the original secret a config can inherit another config. This means that any new secrets or changed names in the parent config are applied to any children configs without additional changes.