Trouble with the KeepassXC secrets service integration

I run a freedesktop secrets service integration via keepassxc on linux and doppler login hangs when attempting to store the cli token using this service. I have to disable this service to get doppler login to work. I use this keyring service for many other dev tools, so I’m surprised it doesn’t work with doppler. I’m running keepassxc version 2.7.9 and doppler version 3.70.0.

Hi @topocount!

Welcome to the Doppler Community!

The CLI is an open source project, so I went ahead and opened a GitHub issue for it here:

We use the go-keyring library and the issue you encountered seems to be described here:

Apparently, this is resolved when using KeePassXC v2.7.9+ and go-keyring v0.2.4+. We’re currently on v0.2.1 of go-keyring, so we’ll see if bumping that depency helps! Updates will be posted to the GitHub issue.


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@topocount Could you try upgrading to Doppler CLI v3.71.1 and see if that solves the issue for you?

Thanks this is working now. I had to do some finagling to get the CLI to utilize the keyring token instead of the one I saved to the config file but this is working as expected now.

I really appreciate the quick response :pray: