Secrets for apps

Hi Doppler team,
First of all, thank you for making Doppler the great tool it is.
What I want to know (or propose) is that doppler can relate the secrets to particular projects, since for example working on something similar to microservices, many applications share variables, and differ in others, and I think it is a nonsense to have all variables for all applications.
Now, using the branches in the environments for I don’t see it so organic since it would necessarily eliminate variables in the branches which can be risky in such a delicate management, besides, the use of branches benefits in my case the overwriting of variables for concrete cases or particularities of the set of services.
In any case I leave this doubt in the air and thank you for your time.

Hi Diego,

Managing shared secrets across projects (e.g NPM credentials to a private registry) is best handled by our cross-project secrets referencing feature.

Some customers create a single project to group all shared secrets under, or individual projects if tighter access controls are required.

Would that provide the solution you’re looking for?

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I was thinking in a functionality inside a project, like tags or a grid, but dividing that load in several projects can solve the situation.
Thanks a lot.

Great to hear Diego!