Assuming you weren’t needing these all in the exact same directory and instead needed them in subdirectories for a monorepo setup, then what @Grraahaam mentioned should help you out! It’s worth noting that although that feature is merged, it hasn’t yet been released (hopefully we’ll see that come out this week!).
If you do need to pull secrets from multiple projects+configs for a single directory/service, then the only way to accomplish that right now is to create a new config that includes the secrets from the other projects using secret referencing.
@watsonian@Grraahaam thank you both! what I ended up doing is to create multiple environments in one Doppler project and create service tokens for each environment.
I created a .dp_tokens file to store the service tokens:
env1: xxx
env2: xxx
then I wrote a shell script to download and merge the secrets from different envrionments:
fetch_secrets() {
# Get the first parameter as the config
local config="$1"
doppler_token=$(get_doppler_token "$config")
echo "# $PROJECT.$config" >> $ENV_FILE
# set token for config
echo $doppler_token | doppler configure set token
doppler secrets download --project $PROJECT --config $config --no-file --format env-no-quotes | grep -v '^DOPPLER_' >> $ENV_FILE
echo "" >> $ENV_FILE
for arg in "${INPUT_ARGS[@]}"; do
fetch_secrets "$arg"
That’s certainly one way to accomplish this. My main concerns there are twofold:
Storing your tokens in a plain text file on-disk is not really recommended.
Storing your secrets in a plain text file on-disk is also high discouraged (which I assume is what’s happening with >> $ENV_FILE – correct me if I’m wrong!).
Some ways you could potentially make this more secure:
First, have a Doppler project that contains the Doppler service tokens you’re going to use and inject the service token for access that project into the environment as DOPPLER_TOKEN. Then, execute your script using Doppler and have it pull down the tokens that you’d then use inside the script. This may be a little roundabout, but would be more secure. That’s purely if you’re using this in a deployment environment though. If you’re running this locally for development, you can just use your CLI token to accomplish most of this without needing separate service tokens for each project.
Second, regarding combining secrets – I would probably still recommend creating an additional config that uses secret referencing to pull in whatever secrets are needed. Are you able to elaborate a bit more on specifically what you’re accomplishing here? (i.e., what’s being stored in the separate configs, what kind of service are you deploying, etc.)
Unfortunately, there isn’t currently. This is something that’s come up a lot on our end and is almost certainly something we’ll add at some point down the road. We don’t have any kind of timeline for that right now though. Sorry about that!
Unfortunately, we had to roll this change back in v3.57.1 due to an issue it caused with interactive invocations of doppler setup. We’ll get it re-released after we’ve had a chance to review it further.