Installation instructions not working for ZSH

The following installation command will get you stuck in a subshell when using ZSH:

brew install gnupg
(curl -Ls --tlsv1.2 --proto "=https" --retry 3 || wget -t 3 -qO- | sudo sh -s -- --verify-signature

It simply outputs:


And nothing happens from there.

I tried switching to bash, but it seems like I would need to reinstall/configure brew separately for bash, but the signature verification did attempt to run, so I’m assuming ZSH to be the cause.

From ZSH I was able to to use the alternative option for installing directly with homebrew. Works, but I’m not sure about the implication of slower updates. Is that because Homebrew needs an updated formula every time you push an update?

Given that I want to add Doppler CLI to a provisioning script and would like to ensure that I’m using the latest version when running that script, could I simply run this?

brew install dopplerhq/cli/doppler
doppler update

I’m assuming the doppler update command works independently of Homebrew?

Hi @zkwsk and welcome to the Doppler community!

You can fix this by adding the following to your ~/.zshrc:

zstyle ':urlglobber' url-other-schema

I’ve updated our docs to include this step for zsh users too.

If you’ve installed the CLI with brew, as long as the gnupg package is also installed, you’ll be able to run doppler update to update the CLI in place.

Is that because Homebrew needs an updated formula every time you push an update?

That’s it. So unless you install another package to trigger brew to update its indexes, it won’t know if a later version of the CLI is available.