Write private key return invalid format key


I use GithubActions but my problem is global

I try to write a private RSA key file, but I get “invalid format key”.

In the following way it works:

export SSH_KEY="-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- #############################
echo $SSH_KEY > id_rsa && chmod 600 id_rsa
ssh user@domain -i id_rsa
# connection success

I try similar approaches with Doppler

doppler secrets get SSH_KEY --plain > id_rsa && chmod 600 id_rsa
doppler run --command 'echo $SSH_KEY > id_rsa && chmod 600 id_rsa
doppler run -- printenv SSH_KEY > id_rsa && chmod 600 id_rsa

I test it

ssh user@domain -i id_rsa
# Load key "id_rsa": invalid format

I also tried with the download method, but I get similar problems

If anyone has a solution I would appreciate help,


Hi Theo,

Thanks for reaching out! Could you verify that if you copy paste the value from the Doppler dashboard into the id_rsa that it works? Just want to make sure the value in Doppler is correctly formatted.



Hello Ruud

Thanks for your feedback, I didn’t see the notification of your message.

The problem is really in the CLI, if I copy my SSH key from the web UI this way it works:
echo '[PASTED KEY HERE]' > id_rsa && chmod...

I think it comes from the way the line breaks are handled on several lines.

I’m not sure how to do this and I’d like to make sure that my only source of truth for all my environment variables is on Doppler

Best regards,

Hey @theo,

Thanks for reporting this. I’ve been able to reproduce something similar to what you’re seeing and we’re investigating the cause.

I’ll reply back once I know more and a short-term fix is to use the dos2unix utility to convert the line-endings in the id_rsa file.

Hi @ryan-blunden

Thanks for your suggestion, I tested this one, and it works fine on my local machine.
However testing the same with GitHub actions it does not work.

  - name: Checkout branch master
    uses: actions/checkout@master

  - name: Doppler - Install CLI
    uses: dopplerhq/cli-action@v1
  - name: Test ssh connect with key
    run: |
      doppler --version
      doppler run --command 'echo $SSH_KEY > id_rsa --token ${{ secrets.DOPPLER_PREPROD }}
      sudo apt-get install dos2unix
      mkdir -p /home/runner/.ssh
      chmod 600 id_rsa
      ssh-keyscan domain.io >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
      dos2unix id_rsa
      ssh ci@domain.io -i id_rsa 'ls'

The return of Github CI

dos2unix: converting file id_rsa to Unix format...
Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '46.XX.XX.XX' to the list of known hosts.
Load key "id_rsa": invalid format
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied, please try again.
ci@domain.io: Permission denied (publickey,password).
Error: Process completed with exit code 255.

I have the impression that using a ssh key outside GitHub secrets is complicated with Github actions

Thanks for the additional testing @theo.

Could you replace doppler run --command 'echo $SSH_KEY > id_rsa --token ${{ secrets.DOPPLER_PREPROD }} with the following to see if that works?

doppler secrets get SSH_KEY --plain --token ${{ secrets.DOPPLER_PREPROD }} > id_rsa --token

Also, could you provide the code you’re using to create the SSH key so I can more accurately reproduce what you’re seeing.

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Thank you very much, it works

  - name: Test CLI
    run: |
      doppler --version
      doppler secrets get SSH_KEY --plain --token ${{ secrets.DOPPLER_PREPROD }} > id_rsa
      sudo apt-get install dos2unix
      mkdir -p /home/runner/.ssh
      chmod 600 id_rsa
      ssh-keyscan domain.io >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
      dos2unix id_rsa
      ssh ci@domain.io -i id_rsa 'ls'

This also works with the key_path on the appleboy/ssh-action@master module

  - name: Deploy to server
    uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
      host: domain.io
      username: ci
      key_path: ./id_rsa
      script_stop: true
      script: |

Awesome @theo and I’ll reply back once we’ve got a proper fix figured out.