Here’s a cool little trick for generating authorized keys files with doppler. Create configs as follows for each team member you need to give access to:
Now you can run the following:
doppler run -- printenv | grep SSH_AUTH_KEY | cut -d"=" -f2 > authorized_keys && chmod 600 authorized_keys
You can even run this on a crontab once an hour or so if you’d prefer to do so or just run it manually as needed.
You can even simplify this further using doppler secrets get
doppler secrets get SSH_AUTH_KEY_ANIL --plain > authorized_keys && chmod 600 authorized_keys
Interesting are you stuffing it all into one big json in your case?
I was thinking every ssh key has its own variable and you’d have to do the following for each key:
doppler secrets get SSH_AUTH_KEY_* -c dev -p ... --plain
Are wildcard fetches like that supported?
Ahh my bad, I see now your script iterates through every key with the SSH_AUTH_KEY
prefix. Neat!
Your solution is a good one and I’ve added it to a newly created Secrets Access page in our docs.