Selective use of --name-transformer tf-var for non Terraform Variables

Hi there, I have some sensitive Terraform variables stored in Dopper. If I use --name-transformer tf-var with doppler run, all works well. Now, where I run into issues is when I need to have some non-TF secrets as well.

TF variables are “supposed” to be lowercase. Doppler enforces all upper case. This means when you use the --name-transformer tf-var, the variable cases will work, and the TF_VAR_variable_name is respected. BUT, if I want to use other secrets, I can no longer use the --name-transformer tf-var, otherwise my non-TF variables also gain the TF_VAR_ as well - breaking things.

I “could” break the TF standard, drop --name-transformer tf-var, add TF_VAR_ to my appropriate secrets, and make my TF variables uppercase - and all will work. But I prefer not to do that.

Is there a way I can apply --name-transformer tf-var, to only certain secrets, but not others?
