I have a doppler secret that contains the dockerconfigjson value needed to pull gitlab images.
The secret is formatted like this (abstracting separate USER and TOKEN secrets)
The Doppler Operator pulls this secret in (as gitlab-registry-secret-from-doppler ) and encodes it exactly like I need, but I’m having some issues getting the gitlab-registry-cred secret to populate from the doppler secret.
How do I format the secret manifest to know that the secret I need is in in the gitlab-registry-secret-from-doppler as DOCKER_CONFIG_JSON ?
I found that post this morning and am feeling like I took a step back… On Friday, my code below was generating a secret in the dev namespace with a base64 encoded .dockerconfigjson (as my original post suggests),
my secret is defined in Doppler as:
$ kubectl describe -n doppler-operator-system dopplersecret deltacm-dev-doppler-secret
Name: deltacm-dev-doppler-secret
Namespace: doppler-operator-system
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version: secrets.doppler.com/v1alpha1
Kind: DopplerSecret
Creation Timestamp: 2024-11-04T16:45:25Z
Generation: 1
Resource Version: 139657308
UID: eaf2c086-6b23-4c84-af75-60602acc6a86
Host: https://api.doppler.com
Managed Secret:
Name: deltacm-dev-registry-cred
Namespace: dev
Type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
As Name: .dockerconfigjson
Type: plain
Resync Seconds: 60
Token Secret:
Name: deltacm-dev-doppler-token
Verify TLS: true
Last Transition Time: 2024-11-04T16:45:26Z
Message: Secret update failed: Failed to create Kubernetes secret: Secret "deltacm-dev-registry-cred" is invalid: data[.dockerconfigjson]: Invalid value: "<secret contents redacted>": invalid character ':' after object key:value pair
Reason: Error
Status: False
Type: secrets.doppler.com/SecretSyncReady
Last Transition Time: 2024-11-04T16:45:26Z
Message: Deployment reload has been stopped due to secrets sync failure
Reason: Stopped
Status: False
Type: secrets.doppler.com/DeploymentReloadReady
Events: <none>
Backing up from all the code, what we’re trying to do is have just the GITLAB_USER and GITLAB_TOKEN as Doppler Secrets and have a single secret that contains the resulting .dockerconfigjson.
I thought I had the Docker-side piece working, but apparently not… I’m pretty sure the issue is in the auth line, but am not sure…
Doppler doesn’t have any kind of templating language like this inside secret values. So, that secret is synced over literally as it appears in plaintext with no additional evaluation or substitutions being made. Additionally, our secret referencing uses ${}, not {{ }}, so those substitutions aren’t really being made when syncing over either.
We don’t currently have any kind of in-line functions to do things like base64 encoding, so probably your best bet would be to add a new secret called GITLAB_DOCKER_CONFIG_AUTH or similar and set the value to the base64 encoded value of ${GITLAB_USER}:${GITLAB_TOKEN} (which you’d evaluate outside of Doppler before setting it). Then your GITLAB_DOCKER_CONFIG_JSON secret would look like this:
In the code sample that I shared previously the {{ base64_encode(${USER}:${PASSWORD}) }} segment was being parsed on the opentofu side to generate the actual value. Somewhere along the way, that stopped happening.
I was able to work around the issue by removing the auths: and email: lines as the registry will actually upload on just the username/password fields.
My current secret, which is working in our environment looks like this: