The problem is that I need to create a secret the the key = .dockerconfigjson
and doppler won’t let me create a secret starting with a dot and with lowercase
This is the error I get when I apply the manifest
kubectl describe DopplerSecret -A
Secret update failed: Failed to create Kubernetes secret: Secret "regcred" is invalid: data[.dockerconfigjson]: Required value
If I’m following you right, you have a secret in Doppler that you want to be mapped into k8s with a different name (e.g., DOCKERCONFIGJSON to .dockerconfigjson). Is that right?
If so, then you should actually be able to do that using a newer feature we added to the operator:
The TL;DR is that you’d setup a processor like this:
This would result in a secret named regcred with one entry named .dockerconfigjson with the contents you expect. Give it a shot and let me know if that’ll accomplish what you’re after!