Hi Doppler community,
i am absolutely stuck right now. i need to run a custom image but i do not know how to provide token in my command line
*$ docker run --name backend-deployment repo.creepo.com:8443/flexi2/backend:v1.0 *
Doppler Error: you must provide a token
I have the token but i do not know how to provide it in this case.
Please help me understand what could be the possible issue, and if i need to provide more info for a better answer. Thank you 

Hi @Yung_Gai!
What you’re after is discussed in our docs here. The long and short of it is that you’d pass the token in like this:
docker run -e DOPPLER_TOKEN="$DOPPLER_TOKEN" --name backend-deployment repo.creepo.com:8443/flexi2/backend:v1.0
Or for local development if you want an ephemeral token that’ll expire, you could do something like this:
docker run --rm -it -e DOPPLER_TOKEN="$(doppler configs tokens create docker --max-age 1m --plain)" --name backend-deployment repo.creepo.com:8443/flexi2/backend:v1.0
Let me know if you have any additional questions!
Hello @watsonian
Thank you for the assistance, the solution you provide works. I’m sorry if i am also not being specific with this next issue.
be_app-1 | Reading secrets from fallback file
be_app-1 | Doppler Error: The fallback file does not exist
be_app-1 | Unable to fetch secrets from the Doppler API
be_app-1 | Doppler Error: You must specify a project
These are the errors i am getting are these related to the token? Do you maybe have any guidance of what are the i have made that could cause these issue please.
Thank you.
If you’re using your CLI token (which is what you get when you do doppler configure get token --plain
), then you need to specify the project and config being used if you haven’t already performed a doppler setup
in the directory. So, if you’re generating a token you would do doppler configs tokens create -p PROJECT -c CONFIG docker --max-age 1m --plain
(or something along those lines where docker
is just the name you’re giving the token). For a simple run, you would do doppler run -p PROJECT -c CONFIG -- ...