Currently I use porter to run our docker containers. If I made a run command of:
python ...
When the binary doesn’t exist I see the following error:
Error: failed to start container “job”: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: exec: “python”: executable file not found in $PATH: unknown
This is because I should be using python3. Now if I wrap this in doppler as follows:
doppler run -- python ...
I see no error any longer (literally nothing, simply fails), making it really challenging to see what went wrong.
If I add --debug to the run command I see the following:
Doppler Error: fork/exec : no such file or directory
This at least points out the issue is the python is the wrong binary, but definitely not an ideal error. FWIW we use the ubuntu20.04 docker base image (nothing fancy).
How can doppler spit out better error messages when the underlying run command fails so we can effectively troubleshoot.