CircleCI Integration using branch configs and service tokens

When performing CircleCI Integration using branch configs and service tokens, I can see my variables in the CircleCI logging by adding the line:

- run:
          name: Test Doppler secrets access
          command: doppler run --token $DOPPLER_TOKEN_PREVIEW -- printenv | grep {Name of an ENV secret} # Testing purposes only

So I know that the data has been loaded into the Circle CI Docker engine.

Are these ENV variables now fully available as if they were in the CircleCI Environment Variables entry?

Or do I need to instead of running:

yarn build

in my config.yml , do I need to run

doppler run yarn build


My problem was I wasn’t understanding that each doppler run command was ephemeral for each execution.

Also, if your build config is setup to look for a .env file, you need to use the --mount command to create an ephemeral .env file for your build step.

doppler run --token ${DOPPLER_DEV} --mount .env yarn build