Unable to connect to Bitbucket Cloud integration

I am setting up a Bitbucket Cloud integration as per the instructions on this documentation page.

I have successfully created my Project Access Token (3 times) for the appropriate project, input my workspace name, and am receiving the following message on the “Set Up Integration” screen when trying to create the integration.

“No repositories were found for that Bitbucket workspace. Please check the workspace name and your token’s access.”

I have 3 repositories in that Workspace that I actively develop so I know they are there.

Thanks for any help.

The issue is that the documentation might need to be updated. Here’s the page: Bitbucket Sync Integration

Two items were incorrect in the docs:

1. Repo Acces Token, not Workspace Access Token
Workspace The page asks you to go to the workspace. You should actually be going to the actual repository - not the workspace. The docs state “Go to your Bitbucket project and on the left choose Project settings > Access tokens > Create: Select the Projects:Read and Pipelines:Edit variables scopes. Then, click Create.”

You actually should go to the repository, then repository settings, and then create the access token.

2. Confirm with the Workspace ID; Workspace Name Might be Different
On the Doppler integration screen, you say to "Provide your Bitbucket Workspace Name". My Bitbucket workspace name didn’t work. I noticed in the URL I had a different value for the workspace name. So I went to my workspace settings and discovered that it was the Bitbucket Workspace ID. I tried the workspace id instead and that worked for the integration, not the actual name workspace settings.

You might find that your workspace name and ID are the same, but it wasn’t for me. There was a “2” appended to my ID. Just confirm your workspace ID is correct in moving forward.