AWS Parameter Store path format

Hello! I’m working on an application using SST. They provide a way to keep secrets in AWS Parameter Store. You can add them by using the sst cli and access them in your application using a library they provide too.

I would like to use Doppler as a single source of truth for the application secrets, so I was thinking in using the Doppler integration to add the secrets to the store and access them using the SST library, removing the need to add the secrets manually using the SST cli.

SST adds the secrets to the store in a path with the following format:


An example would be:


As you can see, they add a /value at the end of the path. I was wondering if there is a way I can replicate that path using the Doppler integration, like some kind of interpolation were I can provide a token that represents the secret name and it will be replaced by said name in the store path.

For example, if I use /sst/app/production/Secret/{secret-name}/value as path in the integration setup and I have a secret named MY_SECRET in my Doppler configuration, it will be saved under the path /sst/app/production/Secret/MY_SECRET/value in the AWS Parameter Store. Is that possible?

Hi @pablogq!

Welcome to the Doppler Community!

Unfortunately, there’s not currently a way to use custom paths like this. I’ll go ahead and pass this idea along to our team for consideration though!

One potential alternative would be to just use Doppler directly. We have a library called gitops-secrets-nodejs that might help you out here. Might be worth giving it a look to see if it will work for you. If you need help or have questions after taking a look, let me know and I’ll see how I can help!


hey @watsonian!

I see, I would love to have that option, thank you for passing the idea along.

I will check out the library you pointed out and see if it fits our needs, thanks for sharing it!

Hello! I’d also like to add my vote to this issue. I just wanted to say that SST (specifically open-next) is gaining in popularity as an alternative in Vercel and they require that /value suffix